Universal Chakra Balance Healing – Full Spectrum Healing MP3

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The Full Spectrum Healing audio are specifically designed to create the same environment that you experience when working with a master healer.

Just as the healer holds their energy in a specific way and moves their hands to specific chakras in a specific order, the crystal bowl healing audio are created with that same pattern energetically. Just relaxing in the room listening to healing audio brings your body, mind and emotions back into health and vibrancy around the specific illness or issue.

The Universal Chakra Balance Healing is the foundation of all healing. A person must be present and conscious of all levels of their guidance if they are going to live their highest purpose. On this audio, all 7 chakras and all 5 spiritual centers are awakened and brought into balance.

All the Healing audio create a field of energy that both take the client on a healing journey and support the practitioner in keeping a higher level of energy and focus during the session, allowing quicker recovery and the ability to stay in balance during the healing.

(Disclaimer from the school disclaimer- nothing implied or promised)
